There are several types of cloud computing such as Private Cloud, Azure, AWS, Public Cloud, and also IaaS, SaaS, and PasS as well.
What is Cloud Computing, In General Terms?
In general terms, Cloud Computing is a service offered by Computer Services providing companies that include storage, Network, Servers, and database.
Cloud Computer is now used as hosting on internet. Cloud computer services are divided into 3 types.
IasS (This type use Infrastructure as Services)
SaaS (This type use Software as Service)
PasS (This type use platform as Services)
As I told you Earlier, A Cloud can be Public or Private. A Public Cloud Sells Services on Interner but A Private Cloud sells its services to a limited number of customers.
How does Cloud Computing work?
The front end is connected to the internet and the back end consists of databases, servers, and computers. The back end stores data that is accessed by the front end. The front and back end communicate with each other and these things are managed by central servers.. Central server used software and middleware to manage client and cloud servers. Cloud computing consists on virtualization and automation technology.
Types of Cloud Computing Services
Cloud computing is divided into three types.
IaaS: IaaS providers like Amazon let users migrate workloads to a virtual machine. IaaS providers offer small, medium, and computer-optimized instances.
SaaS: SasS delivers software applications on internet. It is also known as Web Services. These Services will be accessed by computer and mobile devices.
PaaS: In the PasS model, Providers host tools on hosting. The users access these tools on the internet through APIs. PasS is used for software development and these tools will go live on the internet after development.
Some Examples of Cloud Computing
Nowadays Cloud Computing developed and offered business needs.
Google Docs
Whatsapp, IMO, Skype
Google Doc
These services store data in the cloud and users can access Google Docs from anywhere through internet. Users don't need to go anywhere to access their computer or laptop files to add data to those files. They can access those files from any PC or laptop.
Whatsapp, IMO, Skype
Whatsapp, IMO, and Skype are one of those apps who is taking full advantage of Cloud Computing because users who are using these apps access their personal data.
Zoom is Cloud-based software for video and audio conferencing that allows users to record and save their sessions in the cloud. There are plenty of other options is also available in Zoom you can search for them on internet.
Some Famous Cloud Computing Services provides
Microsoft Azure
Background/History of Cloud Computing
MainFrame Computer has launched by some companies in the 1950s but it was quite expensive with the passage of time, Processors are working efficiently. In the 1970s cloud computing introduces the first virtual machines, allowing users to a computer from anywhere in the world. This thing has a major good impact on Cloud Computing. In 2006, Amazon launched AWS Service which includes cloud storage.