What is Computer Programming?

Nowadays, We see many Softwares that were programmed. I would say, The things we see in a form of software that is programmed by a developer. I will provide different types of programming.

What is Programming?

Software is also known as a program. A Computer Program is basically a piece of code that is executed on a computer. A Computer Program is used to perform specific tasks on a computer. The software code is written by a programmer.

Programming is a procedure of giving a set of instructions to a machine or computer. Sometimes programmers spend their whole lives learning different types of programming languages and using these programming languages programmers create new tools or computer programs.

Programmers use different program editors to code. The Program code is also known as Source Code. A Source code is collective data of code, written by a programmer and other programmers can also read it.

After completing Source Code, the Programmer Converted the Source Code into object Code using a compiler. An object code is known as Machine code. The machine code is basically a code that is in machine language in a form of 0 and 1. Source code gives instructions to machine language to perform tasks. This procedure of the source code into machine language is called compiling.

Some examples of programming languages are C, C++, JavaScript, PHP, and Python but PHP and JavaScript do not use to compile.

Types of Programming Languages

Nowadays, there are hundreds of different programming languages. When It comes to developing an app, the Developer focuses on the needs of the app or software then the developer chooses a programming language that would be used to code a program.

Some popular programming Languages.

  • Ruby
  • PHP
  • C
  • C++
  • Java
  • Python
  • JavaScript

JavaScript is used in Web Development. Which is also the first programming language for new Web Developers. JavaScript is also used for game development. Python is one of the newly launched programming languages used in data analysis, Web development, and some other areas.

Categories of Programming Languages

Programming Languages are grouped in different types of categories.

  • Machine Language
  • Assembly Language
  • Functional Languages
  • Scripting Languages
  • Procedural Languages

Machine Language: Machine Language is a low-level language that is based on 0 and 1 or binary forms. High-Level Language is compiled into machine language by a compiler. So that can be executed by a computer.

Assembly Language: It is one step higher than machine language that is compiled by the assembler. Assemblers convert high-level code or human code into machine code.

Functional Languages: These languages are used to create complex programs using a collection of smaller functions.

Scripting Languages: These languages do not need to be compiled. For example, JavaScript and PHP. These languages will be read and executed with interpreters.

Procedural Languages: Procedural Languages are addressed through a series of procedures before the tool or program is executed on the computer.

As I told you earlier, There are hundreds of programming languages that we do not discuss in this article but I hope this article helps you learn about types of programming languages.
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