The one-liner Answer to What is Artificial Intelligence? is the ability of a computer or a device controlled by a Robot to perform different tasks. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is created by Humans, An AI is a simulator of a human Intelligence system or processing.
How Does AI work?
AI works on a massive amount of training-based data, analyzing the patterns, using these patterns AI predicts the further situation. A few examples are, A Chat bot going through a lot of fed examples of text chats to learn and communicate with people. likewise, An Image Recognition module reviews millions of object examples to identify an object or describe the object.
AI Programming is basically focused on three skills:
Learning Process
Self-Correction Process
Reasoning Process
Learning Process
In the learning Process, AI programming focuses on getting data and making rules for how to convert the data into actionable data. We called it Algorithms, The Algorithms send step-by-step instructions to perform a specific task.
Self-Correction Process
In Self-correction Process, AI programming is designed to continuously find a perfect algorithm to reach a required outcome.
Reasoning Process
In reasoning Process, AI programming chooses the right algorithm for the required outcome.
Why Artificial intelligence is important?
AI is essential because it can provide benefits in your operations that you don't even know about them previously. AI can perform operations better than humans in some cases. It can help more when it comes to repetitive tasks and also detail-oriented tasks as well.
This is extremely efficient in performing tasks if it is programmed perfectly. This thing can lead to open new business opportunities for big ventures. AI Apps use machine language to convert data into actionable information. Before AI, We wouldn't imagine that an app connects the rider to taxis, but now a company called uber has become one of the massive companies, that is doing the same thing, connecting the rider to their registered taxi divers. One more example is , Google is providing a wide range of online services through machine learning to understand how to use their services.
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence?
Nowadays Deep learning and Artificial neural networks, AI is evolving because AI can process massive data quickly and provide accurate data that a human can.
AI can perform extraordinarily in Details-oriented jobs.
It can reduce time in performing large-data tasks.
AI virtual Agents are always available.
AI is quite expensive.
To set up and maintain, AI requires deep Technical expertise.
lack of qualified workers to make AI tools.
Type of Artificial Intelligence?
AI can be categorized into four types. These categories are given below.
Theory of mind
Reactive Machines
Limited memory
1) Theory of mind
This type of AI system has psychological term when AI is applied, It means this system has social intelligence to understand emotions. This AI system can predict human behavior.
2) Self-awareness
In Self-awareness, AI System has a sense of performing tasks by itself. This AI system knows its current state but the type of AI has not existed yet.
3) Reactive Machines
In Reactive Machines, AI systems have no memory and specific task. The deep blue is an example of it. Deep Blue can make predictions in chessboard games. As I told you earlier, it doesn't have a memory it can't use past experiences in future games.
4) Limited memory
Like its name, The Limited memory AI systems have memory, they use past experiences. Self-driving cars are based on this model. These cars use decision-making functions from past experiences.