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What is Computer Programming?

Nowadays, We see many Softwares that were programmed. I would say, The things we see in a form of software that is programme…

What is PC?

PC is an aberration of the Personal Computer. PC is a multipurpose machine which means it allows the user to perform multipl…

What is SuperComputer?

A SuperComputer is one of the types of Computer. A SuperComputer has the capabilities of performing 200 quadrillions of oper…

What is Computer Network?

Computer Network is a system that connects two or more two computing devices for sharing information between them. I will gi…

What is Google Backup and Sync?

To begin with, Google had two different apps for storing or saving data. It was Google drive and Google Photos. With the pas…

Importance of Science and Technolgy

Before getting into this topic, We know that Science and Technology are strongly connected to our lives. They are linked wit…

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